Miramichi Area Retired Teachers

MARTA President, Grant Hendry, has been selected by the Northumberland Salmon Protection Association / Miramichi Salmon Association (MSA), as their 2020 Guest of Honour. Grant is being recognized for his outstanding and ongoing numerous contributions to the organization. For the past several years, he has spearheaded the Fish Friends Program in local schools, and he has been integral in ensuring its ongoing success. With his background as a science specialist, his passion for teaching and his strong interests in nature and conservation, Grant has been an enthusiastic, natural fit with students, piquing their interests and providing them with an experiential learning process which they will hold for life. The school based Fish Friends program allows students to watch Atlantic Salmon and brook trout hatch from eggs, grow to the fry stage, and to learn about the life stages of both species, before being released by them into designated streams and tributaries of the Miramichi. Grant also will be recognized for other ongoing conservation efforts and for his involvement and enhancement of the MSA Membership. He was to have been honoured at the Annual MSA Banquet and Auction, Thursday, April 9th; however, like all other postponed, current community events, this function will now be held at a later date, yet to be determined. Nonetheless, it does not prevent the Executive and General Membership of MARTA from sending you our warmest wishes, Grant! Congratulation to you, from all of us, for this very worthy and well-deserved recognition! Enjoy your evening of honour when it does arrive.

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