The NBSRT Online Media Committee is looking for a scenic photo that is representative of your branch, and the Online Media Committee is asking that each branch president publicize this request among members. Perhaps you know a member who is a great photographer – ask him/her for permission to use one of their outdoor landscape photos. We will acknowledge them in the photo.
Branches have public sections on https://www.nbsrt.org for promoting local events and for members to keep up with NBSRT activities. Each of the sections has a banner. The image you contribute will be used for your branch’s banner. Keeping to a common theme, the Online Media Committee chose to use a photo of a landscape or outdoor scene.
We are asking each branch to submit an image, ideally taken by a member or member’s relative, who will consent to our use of it. It is important that the images are original to avoid copyright infringement issues. They should be a good quality jpg, png, pdf or raw in a landscape orientation. We have included an example photo from the Restigouche Branch.
Please send images by November 30, 2022 to Online Media Committee member Sandra Mitchell at sandraNBSRT@gmail.com
We look forward to receiving images from avid local photographers!