Miramichi Area Retired Teachers

MARTA Members listen closely to business meeting

MARTA hosted its annual Fall AGM and Dinner at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hall, in Blackville, Wednesday, November 15. The turnout of members was fantastic, and the catered, home cooked, roast turkey dinner was absolutely delicious and generous, as were the desserts. Among those present were members of many years, as well as newer members, and it was evident that everyone was enjoying the fellowship, pleasant conversation and fine food, in addition to the important information presented in the business meeting.  

To add to the fun of the occasion, the ever-popular 50/50 draw was held to raise money for the MARTA Scholarship fund. The lucky and very happy winner of this year’s Fall AGM was Mrs. Connie MacRae, who received athe sizable win of $162.00!

Connie’s smile with her win says it all!

A very special thank you is also extended to MARTA member and NBSRT Online Media Chair, Dale MacRae, who brought greetings on behalf of NBSRT, and who also presented a clearly insightful, informative and pertinent presentation to members, with regard to the current changes to Johnson Group Insurance.  

The Executive of MARTA and the general membership extend a very warm thank you to the ACW and all of those volunteers who gave of their time, efforts, generosity and talents to prepare, serve and host the MARTA Branch of NBSRT. Thank you, also, to the many members who brought an abundance of much-needed food items and cash donations for the Miramichi Food Bank. Without question, everyone left with their appetites satiated and spirits very cheerful!