Miramichi Area Retired Teachers

MARTA 2024 AGM & Dinner: Full House

The MARTA Branch of NBSRT hosted its annual 2024 AGM, Wednesday, May 29, at The Royal Canadian Branch No. 3 Miramichi, with a record number of members in attendance. The general meeting was presided by MARTA President, Charlotte Casey.  Special guest, outgoing NBSRT President, Bob Fitzpatrick, addressed members with a special greeting, his great wit and humour, and equally as important, key points of information from the 2024 NBSRT provincial AGM, held in Saint John, May 13 and 14. One crucial point emphasized by Bob was that the overall provincial membership of NBSRT has increased significantly, and that we need continue to work collaboratively toward this goal, going forward, as there is power in any organization of greater numbers. He encouraged members present to personally contact retirees they know, and encourage them to become members and perhaps bring them along to social events to observe firsthand the benefits of fellowship, fun and connecting with others. He also stressed the health impact of isolation, faced by a significant number of retirees over time, as they become more distantly removed from social connectedness with others; hence why it is so important to reach out and have them become members, so that they have an ongoing way to be with former colleagues and friends and to stay in touch in meaningful and beneficial ways for everyone.

NBSRT Special Guest, Bob Fitzpatrick addresses members at MARTA 2024 AGM

Following Bob’s remarks, Dale MacRae gave a succinct, enlightening report, as a member of the NBSRT Group Insurance Committee, with regard to key changes to Group Insurance policies, which was well received by members present. He then moved on to the subject of the provincial 2025 NBSRT AGM, the wonderful privilege the MARTA Branch has in hosting the Fiftieth Anniversary celebration, here in Miramichi, on May 13 and 14, 2025. Given the enthusiasm and commitment demonstrated by the general membership of MARTA, when the last Biennial AGM was held in Miramichi, during May of 2017, Dale is anticipating that everyone will be just as eager, if not more so, to provide legendary, local hospitality to our guests, as many members are already stating they definitely want to come to Miramichi, as it is always a “great time”. When summer winds down, and September arrives, the Executive Committee and General membership of MARTA can be certain they will be involved in the planning and execution of a very successful event. and they will be kept abreast of all details from Dale and his Planning Committee.

As the meeting progressed, the financial report was presented to members by MARTA Treasurer, Patsy Kingston, and the various Committee Chairs, provided year-end reports with an account of the 2023–2024 activities, special events and, going forward, many great plans for members.

New Business commenced with Charlotte’s important highlights to members from the 2024 NBSRT AGM, which was followed by nominations for the election of office for open positions on the MARTA Executive Committee. An election was held for the position of MARTA Secretary, to which Mary Tozer was elected, and for the position of Branch Correspondent for Reflections, the latter which remained unfilled, after several calls for nominees. This is a very important role on the Executive Committee of MARTA, which is vital to keep members informed, be they be near or far, as we do have MARTA members who live elsewhere in the province, or well beyond its boundaries, and wish to remain informed. Calls for nominees for Member-at-Large also concluded unfilled. If any member would like to get involved as a branch correspondent for Reflections, or as a member-at-large, please contact MARTA President, Charlotte Casey, or Vice-President, Barb Hondas.

MARTA President – Charlotte Casey- addresses members at 2024 MARTA AGM

At the conclusion of the election process, Charlotte thanked Colleen Hayes for having served as Secretary of MARTA for the past two years and she thanked Merle Milson for having served as Branch Correspondent for the past 13 years, a portion of which he also served impressively as Treasurer of MARTA for an extended term of office. With great appreciation, from all members of the MARTA Branch of NBSRT, thank you very much, Merle!

The last item on the agenda was Charlotte’s yearend President’s report of the 2023 -2024 year’s events and activities, which she also presented and submitted at the NBSRT AGM, May 14.

Members enjoying good conversation just prior to dinner being served

After the adjournment of the general meeting and grace by Richard Walsh, legion members and volunteers served a delicious, roasted chicken breast dinner, followed by a dessert assortment of small cakes, tea and coffee, thoroughly enjoyed by everyone present.

At both the Fall General Meeting and annual AGM, MARTA members are always generous with their donations to the Miramichi Food Bank, and last Wednesday, May 29, certainly attested to that fact. In addition to an ample supply of food items, a total sum of three-hundred-five dollars was given toward this essential community service. Sincere thanks to all members who contributed!

Whether it is MARTA Breakfasts, AGM and Dinners, or the annual MARTA Potluck Luncheon, one activity enjoyed by many members is the 50/50 draw, held as a fundraiser for the MARTA Scholarship Fund. The lucky winner at the 2024 AGM was Shirley MacDiarmid, who was all smiles with her lucky win of one-hundred-seventy-two dollars and fifty cents. Congratulations Shirley!

Overall, the MARTA 2024 AGM and Dinner can be deemed as a huge and tremendously enjoyable success, thanks to all who participated!

L to R: MARTA Secretary 2024 -2026 – Mary Tozer and President- Charlotte Casey