Miramichi Area Retired Teachers

Executive members chat and enjoy feshly served appetizers

The Executive of MARTA held a turnaround luncheon meeting on Friday, May 14, upstairs, at O’Donaghue’s Pub, to thank Colleen Hayes, who will be leaving her position as secretary, after completion of her two-year-term, and to welcome Mary Tozer, who will be assuming this important position for the 2024 -2026 term.

L to R: Mary Tozer, Colleen Hayes, Maria Brown, Merle Milson and Dale MacRae

Also leaving the Executive after thirteen years of dedicated service as MARTA Branch Correspondent for Reflections is Merle Milson. In addition to this time consuming and vital role, he also took on the position of Treasurer for an extended term of office. Not exactly an arrangement of leisurely pursuits, given the responsibilities of both roles. Such a level of selfless dedication, well in excess of a decade, deserves an acknowledgment of much respect and sincere gratitude. To that end, from all of your fellow members of MARTA, thank you so very much, Merle!

L to R: Chalotte Casey, Elizabeth Price, Lois Gilliss, and Marjorie Sinclair

As well as enjoying a meal together, those executive members present enjoyed great conversation and plenty of entertaining humour. The casual format and setting of the meeting allowed for a great opportunity to collectively brainstorm and share potential ideas for new activities and events tailored to the diverse interests of the general membership of MARTA. Given that the total membership of the branch now exceeds 280 and continues to grow, it is important to develop plans to meet the greater good of all, going forward, as MARTA continues to evolve.

MARTA President, Charlotte Casey chirs Turnaround Meeting – June 14, 2024

Just as the Executive Committee of MARTA has done during past decades, members may rest assured that those currently holding positions of office, and as committee chairs and respective committee members, continue to dedicate their time, insights and efforts with everyone in mind.

L to R; Incoming Secretary, Mary Tozer, and Colleen Hayes, Outgoing Secretary