Miramichi Area Retired Teachers

Autumn Foliage in Magnificant Spendor

MARTA will be holding its 2023 Fall AGM and dinner in mid-November. For your convenience, the date, time, location, menu and meal price information are outlined below:

Date: Wednesday, November 15th

Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00PM 

(Business Meeting: 11:00 AM – 12:00 Noon; Dinner: 12:00 Noon – 1:00 PM)

Location: Trinity Hall, 234 Main Street, Blackville  (Hall name is above main entrance) 

Menu: Traditional Roast Turkey Dinner, Dessert, Tea or Coffee

Price: $12.00

In the near future, please anticipate receipt of a phone call or an email message from the MARTA Communication Committee, with all information and an invitation to attend.

Members are encouraged to bring either a donation of food items or a cash donation for the Miramichi Food Bank, if at all possible.

50/50 draw to be held, as a fundraiser for the MARTA Scholarship Fund