Relocating to a new home definitely happens throughout our journey in life. Preferences and / or needs do change for us. If you have relocated, once you have settled in and at your convenience, would you be so kind as to update your contact information with NBSRT / MARTA? Please contact either:
Colleen, at forsythec@xplornet.ca , or
Andy, at 007.clarkanl@gmail.com or 506-424-1725.
Should you have the means and preference to complete a standardized form with you changes, you can find it here_,which is a direct link to a form from NBSRT, for online completion, or, instead, you may choose to print it for completion and mailing. However, the easiest way of all would be to click on the Contact Information Update tab, in the top-edge margin of the MARTA website home page. It is as easy as two clicks, and you will be presented with a brief, straight forward, online form. Once you have finished, click “submit”. That’s all there is to it!
By keeping your contact information up-to-date, using whichever means you prefer, you will be certain not to miss any important information being passed on to members, as well as not to have an interruption to your regular subscription of Reflections. Most important of all, you would be missed!